Ripple Code Scam Review: Crypto Scam??
If you are thinking of using the Ripple Code system for crypto trading, please reconsider. It might seem like a legit auto trader for cryptocurrencies, but this could not be further from the truth. The profits promised are huge, but there is no evidence to support any of the claims made by the Ripple Code system. We are here today doing this Ripple Code review to provide you with a head start. This is your fair warning about this thieving crypto scam.
Ripple Code Scam App & LIMITED SPOTS TRICK!
The first telltale sign that this is a scam came to our attention right away. These crooks claim that there are only a limited amount of spots to sign up with Ripple Code software. However, we are not told when the deadline is or how many spots are left.
This is a classic low down and shady marketing trick used around the world. If you have ever watched an infomercial, you will be familiar with it. Scammers always claim that you need to call right now before the spots run out. However, obviously, these criminals want to scam as many people as possible, so they are not about to limit the amount of people they steal from.
It’s nothing more than a tricky and shady pressure tactic meant to get you to sign up. They want you to sign up now, before you take a closer look at the Ripple Code system and consider what the consequences are. Don’t fall for tricks like this!
Ripple Code Scam Software – 100% ANONYMOUS!
The Ripple Code system is 100% anonymous, and that is a fact. Nowhere on the website are told who is in charge here. There is literally no transparency to speak of, which is a really big problem. Think about it. Do you really want to trust an automated crypto trading app with your money when you don’t actually know whose hands it is in?
If the Ripple Code app actually did work and was the real deal, there would be no good reason for the owners to keep their identities a secret. The only reason for doing so is because these crooks are afraid of ending up in prison for stealing your money. This is a fraudulent trading system.
How Does Ripple Code Software Work?
One of the more suspicious aspects of this Ripple Code trading software is that it does not at all tell us how it works. During the presentation video, we are guaranteed massive profits through this automated crypto trading system.
However, we are never told anything about the inner workings of it. What are the trading strategies being adhered to? Does the system use some kind of special algorithms? Which indicator tools and technical analysis tools are being utilized?
These are all very important questions that we definitely need answers to if there is any hope of trusting this Ripple Code app. The fact that these crooks are so vague about the inner workings of this automated cryptocurrency trading is more than we can handle. How are we supposed to trust this application when the owners refuse to divulge any real information about it?
Perhaps the most ridiculous aspect of this Ripple Code trading app is that we are guaranteed a minimum of $7,000 in profits per day. This is completely ridiculous on several levels. First off, seeing as we are never told how the app works, it is nonsensical to think that it actually works to execute successful trades. Simply put, there is not a single shred of evidence which could confirm that anybody has ever made a profit here.
Guaranteeing such a high ROI per day is ludicrous and ridiculous. Even the best of the best crypto trading systems cannot muster that kind of return per day. It just is not possible, especially with some low grade crypto trading scam that clearly does not work. The whole $7,000 per day issue aside, guaranteeing any amount of returns is not realistic at all.
There is always a risk of losing trades when it comes to cryptocurrency trading. There is no amount of programming in the world that can mitigate 100% of trading risk. It is just not possible to guarantee returns, especially not this amount. The fact of the matter is that this claim is both ridiculous and false.
We have come into contact with several people that have been scammed by this Ripple Code scam system. The general consensus is that this is an empty shell. It is just a way for these crooks to steal money from you. No trades are ever executed at all. The anonymous owners of this Ripple Code system literally just steal any and all funds that you deposit. It’s a rip off.
Ripple Code Trading Scam & Unreliable Brokers
Yet another thing that stands out about the Ripple Code app is that none of the brokers involved here are reliable or legit. Actually, there is only one broker being used here and it is not registered or real. Sure, it might look like a real broker, but it serves the sole purpose of stealing money from you. The broker is not licensed to do what it claims to do.
Therefore, this whole thing is completely illegal. It just cannot be trusted. As many people have stated, when they deposited money into the broker for this Ripple Code software, the cash simply disappeared.
Ripple Code Review – Conclusion
At the end of the day, the only thing which we can call Ripple Code software is a scam. There is no proof that it actually works. Yet, there is plenty of evidence to condemn this crypto trading app as a complete rip off.
Hundreds of people have already been taken to the cleaners by it, and if you are not careful, you will be next. Please guys, just do yourself a big favor and stay as far away from this Ripple Code trading scam as you possible can!
IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: [email protected]. If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
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