When it comes down to it, the NASDAQ Method app is one of the most ridiculous trading systems that we have seen in a very long time. No, this system is not intended for BO, FX, or crypto, but actually for stock trading, which is pretty rare. However, none the less, the NASDAQ Method system is meant to be a fully automated trading tool for stocks. Just on a side note, there is a reason why people never use automated stock trading tools, because they tend to really suck.
This is beside the fact that the NASDAQ Method program is a complete and utter scam either way. We are here today doing a NASDAQ Method scam review to provide you with all of the dirty details that you need to know about it. Make no mistakes folks, while this stock trading app may seem harmless on the outside, even beneficial maybe, that is definitely not the case. It’s a scam, a rip off, and it’s out to steal your money. There is not a shadow of a doubt about that.
NASDAQ Method Software – Anonymous!
Perhaps the clearest indication that there is a scam afoot here is that the NASDAQ Method trading app is totally anonymous. We are never informed of who created this stock trading bot, who funded it, who owns it, or who runs it. We literally have zero information regarding the leadership of this system. This is a big problem no doubt. We simply cannot trust any kind of trading system, whether for BO, crypto, or stocks, that choose to purposely keep the identities of the leaders a secret.
The reason for this is because anonymous trading systems are always scams. That is a rule of thumb that you need to follow no matter what kind of software you are looking at. If this NASDAQ Method system actually worked, the owners of it would want to showcase themselves. People generally like getting attention and recognition for a job well done. However, these crooks are choosing to stay hidden in a shroud of anonymity and it is because they know darn well that this NASDAQ Method app is completely illegal, fraudulent, and that they are stealing hard earned money from innocent folks such as yourselves.
Another red flag that came to our attention in regards to this NASDAQ Method scam app is the part of the website that claims that this system has been featured on several prominent economic news websites. On the website, there are a bunch of banners and a little statement claiming that this NASDAQ Method program was featured on Forbes and CNN Money.
However, this is simply not true in the least. We checked both of those website and their databases. There is not a single mention of this terrible automated stock trading robot. These news websites never mentioned this NASDAQ Method app, not even in passing. The fact that these crooks blatantly lie to us on their website is all of the proof that we need as confirmation that this is indeed a total rip off.
NASDAQ Method User Testimonials – FAKE!
Yet another indication that the NASDAQ Method system is a scam has to do with the various user testimonials featured on the website. There are literally dozens of user testimonials about this service, all of which are overly positive, way too positive, and all claim that this system has made them filthy rich. Yes, this would be awesome if it were true and these testimonials were real, but that is obviously not the case, not one bit.
The fact here is that the NASDAQ Method user testimonials are completely fake and fabricated out of thin air. The pictures of the people you see are just random stock photos taken from other places. Their names were invented by the same people trying to sell us on this ludicrous scam. The bottom line is that the NASDAQ Method user testimonials are not real or genuine and they are definitely not to be trusted at all.
NASDAQ Method System – How Does It Work?
Something else that we absolutely need to call into question when it comes to this NASDAQ Method software is how it actually works to make trades. Simply put, there is not a single mention of any kind of coherent trading strategy, an advanced algorithm of sorts, or any kind of indicator and analysis tools. All we are ever told is that the NASDAQ Method is awesome, it works well, and it is a highly accurate automated stock trading robot.
However, this does not at all tell us how it actually works, which is extremely important to know. If we are to trust our money with any kind of automated trading system, we want to know how it works and if it really works. All indications here point to the solid and empirical fact that the NASDAQ Method scam system does not work at all. If it worked, there would be some kind of explanation about it, even just a simple one, but there is not.
We also know for a fact that not a single person has ever made a profit using this NASDAQ Method scam software. We have talked to literally hundreds of people who have been scammed out of their money by this app. People everywhere have been depositing money for trading, only for it to literally disappear in a matter of minutes. The bottom line here is that NASDAQ Method software is just an empty shell, one where you deposit money for the crooks on the other end to withdraw to fund their illegal activities. We like to think that the people in charge of this NASDAQ Method scam are probably murdering sociopaths, which they probably are.
NASDAQ Method Scam Review – Conclusion
The only thing that you need to know about this NASDAQ Method system is that you need to stay away from it as far as you can. It is a scam, it is meant to steal from you, and given the chance, it will do so.
IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: [email protected]. If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
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