Evergreen Profits Review: CRYPTO SCAM!
OFFICIAL SCAM URL: evergreen-profits.com
Automated cryptocurrency trading bots are currently all the rage. The problem is that the vast majority of them are crypto trading scams. This definitely applies to the EverGreen Profits program which we are reviewing today. This particular crypto trading bot, the EverGreen Profits app, may seem like the real deal, but it is definitely not. We have discovered a long list of scam factors which reveals it to be a scam. This is our EverGreen Profits scam review and we are here to provide you with fair warning about this ludicrous crypto trading scam.
Note, for the best cryptocurrency signals providers and trading bots, check out our recommended services page RIGHT HERE.
Who Is In Charge Of The EverGreen Profits System?
One of the things that shows the EverGreen Profits scam for what it really is, is the complete lack of ownership or leadership. Nowhere on the website are we ever told exactly who owns, operates, or who created this automated cryptocurrency trading tool. This is very suspicious to say the least. If we are going to pay $1,000 for a license and trust this tool with our money, we definitely want to know whose hands that money is in.
The fact that we are never informed of who is involved in the leadership is a huge problem that we just cannot get over. The only reason to not tell us who is in charge here is because the people leading this scam are criminals. They don’t want their identities revealed because they know that the EverGreen Profits system is illegal and fraudulent. They just don’t want to go to prison for stealing your money, which they will do if you give them the chance.
EverGreen Profits LTD – FAKE COMPANY!
Something else that quickly came to our attention about this EverGreen Profits trading program is that company itself is unregistered. We are told that this company has the title of LTD, which means that it should have registration documents to go along with that. Well, we are never shown any registration documents of any kind. Moreover, we looked at all available business registries and nowhere could we find this automated cryptocurrency trading business.
It is a fake company that does not exist. This also means that it is not licensed to provide signals or to make trades with your money. There is no way that these crooks could possibly have a license to do anything at all. The EverGreen Profits company is totally anonymous, plus it doesn’t even exist in the physical realm. Sure, these guys will still take your money, but they are doing so illegally and they definitely are not trading with it.
How Does EverGreen Profits Software Work?
Yet another red flag that popped up about this EverGreen Profits trading scam is that we really have no idea how it works. This is due to a lack of information, not a lack of research on our behalf. Yes, we are told that this cryptocurrency automated trading robot uses some awesome high tech algorithm to identify and execute highly accurate trades, but this is nothing but hot air.
We are never actually told which cryptocurrencies are traded, what trading strategies are in use, or what kind of indicators and analysis tools are being utilized. In all reality, this EverGreen Profits doesn’t actually make trades at all. It is just an empty shell with the purpose of stealing your money. If we don’t know how the EverGreen Profits app works, we cannot possibly trust it to execute profitable trades on our behalf.
Is The EverGreen Profits Trading App Profitable?
No, the EverGreen Profits trading program is definitely not profitable in the least. Sure, we are informed, so to speak, that this crypto trading system can generate over $1,500 in just 15 minutes of trading with near 100% accuracy, but that is totally bogus and just is not true no matter which universe you live in. First and foremost, achieving a 100% ITM rate is completely impossible no matter who you are and no matter what software you are using.
Second, making $1,500 in just 15 minutes of crypto trading is totally unrealistic and unachievable as well. Finally, we have talked to many victims of this scam, all of which say the exact same thing. They invested money, and then all of a sudden it was gone. It is blatantly obvious that this is nothing more than a cash grab aimed at anybody who has the unfortunate luck of falling for this EverGreen Profits scam.
Fake EverGreen Profits User Testimonials
The next indication that there is a scam afoot here has to do with the bogus EverGreen Profits user testimonials featured on the website. There are a bunch of user testimonials on the website, none of which are real, accurate, or genuine in the least.
All of the testimonials which we see are simply fabricated and created out of thin air. The people’s names are completely bogus and the images used to portray them are stolen photos from other websites. These people are not real at all, they have never used this EverGreen Profits scam software, and they have certainly not written these reviews.
EverGreen Profits Scam App PAID LICENSE - $1,000
The other thing that came to our attention about this EverGreen Profits scam app is the fact that they want to charge you close to $1,000 for a full license. The bottom of the webpage has a banner that reads “get free trading license”, but an above section claims that you need to pay $997 for a full EverGreen Profits trading license.
Well, from what we have pieced together, the free trading license is just to download the platform, but to use it, you have to pay the $1,000. Well, this terrible crypto trading tool does not actually work. In other words, this is just an easy way to screw unsuspecting victims out of a thousand bucks. This is all just one massive scam.
EverGreen Profits Review – Conclusion
There is nothing else left to say about this EverGreen Profits trading scam than STAY FAR AWAY FROM IT! If you give it the chance to do so, it will steal your money without hesitation.
IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: [email protected]. If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
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