ETH Harvest Scam Review: MINING SCAM!
When it comes to crypto ICO scams and mining scams, the ETH Harvest system is up there with the worst of them. This ETH Harvest ICO has been around for a couple of months now and it has managed to screw a whole lot of good people out of their money. It is actually surprising that this crypto ICO mining system is still around, especially after all of the complaints that have been lodged against it. However, somehow it is still around wreaking havoc on the wallets of thousands and thousands of people across the world.
The claim is that you can make hundreds of percentage points in profits if you invest money with the ETH Harvest application. Apparently this is a cryptocurrency ICO that is collecting money to put towards Ethereum mining. Whatever its function allegedly is, the fact that the ETH Harvest system is a scam remains the same. This is a total Ponzi and pyramid scheme with no hopes of ever generating a profit. This is our ETH Harvest scam review and you definitely need to read it.
ETH Harvest Scam – No Mining Details
One of the most suspicious aspects of this ETH Harvest program is that we are never provided with any concrete details about the Ethereum mining. We are told that most of our invested money goes towards mining Ethereum. We would assume that this includes facilities, hardware, software, maintenance, and other overhead costs. Yet, we are not given any real info about the mining. Mining any kind of cryptocurrency is very expensive and it takes a lot of energy, space, and hardware.
These clowns want our money, but they never tell us where in the world the Ethereum mining farm or station is. We are not told where it is, what the mining capacity is like, who owns the facilities, or anything else of importance. A crypto mining system that provides so little detail is not to be trusted at all. We need to know where, how, and by who the Ethereum is being mined. We want details, and without them, we can’t possible rely on this ETH Harvest scam for any kind of profit. What is our money actually going towards?
Who Is In Charge Of The ETH Harvest ICO?
Another really suspicious aspect of this ETH Harvest ICO is that we are never told who is in charge of it. The whole website does not mention a single time the name of a person in charge. We are told that the ETH Harvest company is real, but this is just not true. We are not told who created this crypto venture, who funded it, or who designed it. This is a really suspicious aspect to say the least.
How can be possible trust this ETH Harvest program with our hard earned money when who is in charge is never disclosed. This is an anonymous crypto ICO mining system and that just does not sit right with us. The fact of the matter is that virtually every single last anonymous cryptocurrency related venture out there is a scam. Just think about it. These crooks can steal your money, and because you have no idea who they are, once your money is gone, there is not a single thing that you will be able to do about it.
ETH Harvest System Is Not Licensed Or Registered!
Yet another thing that gives the ETH Harvest app away as being a scam is the fact that the whole company is fake. We are told that this company is registered in the UK and has the registry number 09975309. However, this is simply not true in any way, shape, or form. We did our research and this company is not registered anywhere. The registration number provided is totally bogus and the ETH Harvest company is not actually a real business entity. Not only is this a huge problem because of the fact that we are lied to, but because of licesnign too.
These criminal claim to take investments, use them for mining, and then provide you with a nice return. The ETH Harvest system also makes a mention of providing financial advice. Well, none of these activities are things that just anybody can go do at will. A business needs to have the proper licensing to go collect investments from people. Seeing as the ETH Harvest scam system consists of an unregistered company with no clear leaders, it is safe to assume that it is not licensed to do anything at all. If this program did actually operate, which it does not, it would not be doing so legally.
ETH Harvest Scam – Impossible Profits
The other red flag that came to our attention about this ETH Harvest program is that the promised profits are simply ridiculous. We are told that we can make a 300% profit in just 2 days of using the ETH Harvest system. Well, this is obviously a lie. It is simply not possible to attain these kinds of results through any kind of crypto mining or ICO. The fact of the matter is that there is not a single Ethereum mining system in the world that can get anywhere close to those numbers.
This is a Ponzi scheme that promises huge profits, but delivers nothing but theft and headaches. We have talked to hundreds of people out there and they have all said the same thing. They invested their money and then promptly lost it all. The ETH Harvest system is a scam program designed to do nothing more than steal money from as many unsuspecting victims as possible. On a side note, this is also a pyramid scheme that attempts to get you to use your friends too. They want you to get your friends to sign up and hand over their money, thus doing much of the hard work for these crooks.
ETH Harvest Review – Conclusion
The only thing left to say here is that you absolutely need to stay away from this ETH Harvest system. It is a scam and it is here to rip you off.
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