Cryptic Max LTD ICO Scam Review
If you like investing money in cryptocurrencies and making money, you should avoid this Cryptic Max LTD system. This is supposed to be a new ICO that is very profitable, but that just is not true. We have done a lot of research on this new initial coin offering and all of the signs point towards SCAM. This is our Cryptic Max LTD scam review and we’re here to give you fair warning about this very dangerous and malicious cryptocurrency initial coin offering.
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Cryptic Max LTD ICO – No Clear Goals
One of the first things that gives this ICO away as being a scam is the fact that they never list clear goals. We are never provided with a real white paper for this ICO, nor are we ever shown any kind of time table or plan for the future. This is a very bad sign to say the very least. The only thing that we are told about this Cryptic Max LTD program is that we are investing our money into a trading platform.
However, we are never told what kind of trading strategies or algorithms the trading system is supposed to use, nor are we ever told what it actually trades in. cryptocurrency initial coin offerings are supposed to be very clear, concise, and precise when it comes to their goals, business model, and future plans. In all reality, besides being some kind of crypto trading system, we are really never told why this ICO is all about. That is a huge problem.
Cryptic Max LTD Scam – Anonymous
Yet another thing that stands out about the Cryptic Max LTD scam ICO is that it is totally anonymous. Not once are we ever provided any real or valuable info in regards to who created this cryptocurrency initial coin offering, who is running it, or who is funding it. This is another really suspicious aspect that we just cannot accept. We have never seen a single ICO, investment program, or crypto trading system that has been anonymous that was not a scam.
The rule of thumb here is that you can never trust any kind of anonymous and faceless investment system of any kind, especially when it comes to cryptocurrencies. These guys are scammers, they want to steal your money, and they just don’t want their identities to be revealed. They know that what they are doing is illegal, so they are choosing to stay anonymous.
Cryptic Max LTD System – Fake Company
The next red flag about this Cryptic Max LTD scam system that came to our attention is in regards to the company itself. We are told that this company is named Cryptic Max LTD and that it is legally registered in the UK. These scammers even go so far as to provide incorporation documents, papers that are obviously bogus and totally fabricated.
You can rest assured that the incorporation and business registry documents shown on the Cryptic Max LTD are totally fake. This company is not actually real. It does not exist in any way, shape, or form outside of the scam website seen online. Moreover, these crooks do provide an address, but a quick Google Maps check revealed that the address provided is bogus as well. This company does not exist and therefore this whole ICO investment program is a complete and utter rip off.
Cryptic Max LTD ICO – No Licensing
Another clear indication that this Cryptic Max LTD system is a scam is that it is not licensed to trade or take investments at all. You see, taking investments from people, providing financial advice, and then using that money to reinvest, are all activities which require strict financial regulation, plus some special licenses too. A business needs to be totally real, it needs to exist, be registered, reliable, trusted, and transparent in order to get the licenses needed for what the Cryptic Max LTD program claims to do.
Well, this ICO is anything but legit, which means that there is no chance in hell that it has a license to do anything at all. We are not saying that these criminals won’t take your money, because they definitely will. However, they are not using it as investment money nor are they doing anything else with it other than lining their own pockets. This is a completely unregistered, unregulated, and unlicensed ICO.
Cryptic Max LTD ICO Scam – Unreal Profits
The next red flag here is that we are promised profits of 15% per day. Of course, this would be fantastic, but it also is not true. No matter who, where, or what you are, it is simply not possible to get an ROI of 15% per day. Whether this is supposed to be a cryptocurrency mining program, a trading program, or an investment program of any kind, making even 1% per day is unrealistic.
The ROI promised here is not possible, it is not real, and nobody has ever made a single penny with this scam app. We have talked to many people who have used this Cryptic Max LTD system and investment money in it. Every last person says the same thing, they invested money, it disappeared, and there were never any returns at all.
Cryptic Max LTC Program – Looks Like Other Scams
What is also suspicious about this Cryptic Max LTD app is the fact that it looks a whole lot like several other ICO scams that we have already busted. When it comes right down to it, this scam looks a lot like the CoinContract scam ICO and the BitAdvisor ICO, both of which have been proven to be total scams. It is painfully apparent that the people who created this cryptocurrency initial coin offering are the same pieces of scum that made those other scams we just mentioned.
Cryptic Max LTD Review – Conclusion
The Cryptic Max LTD system is a scam and there is no other way to put it. There is literally not a single honest, legitimate, or reliable aspect to this terrible initial coin offering. It is a rip off and if you get involved with it, you will be the next victim without a shadow of a doubt.
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To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
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