Unicoin Trades Review: CRYPTO SCAM!
OFFICIAL SCAM URL: unicointrades.com
If you are looking for a new cryptocurrency trading and mining system, the Unicoin Trades app is one that you should definitely stay away from. Unicoin Trades software is in our opinion one of the most bogus crypto mining and trading scams on the market today. As far as we can tell, there are a great many lies told by these crooks and nothing they say is honest in the least. The Unicoin Trades website is full of false advertisement, bogus people, and a complete lack of information where it counts.
The fact of the matter is that not a single person who has ever used this Unicoin Trades scam app since its initial release has seen positive results. The internet is brimming with complaints about this Unicoin Trades scam software and we completely understand why. There really isn’t a single piece of evidence which would show us that this system is in any way real, legit, or reliable. We’re here doing a Unicoin Trades scam review to give you fair warning about this malicious and super dangerous crypto mining and trading scam.
Unicoin Trades System – A Fake Creation Date
One of the first things that we did to research the Unicoin Trades system was to visit WHOIS to see when exactly this website and the system became functional. According to the info provided by the people behind the Unicoin Trades system, it has been active since 2014. Apparently, people have been making millions and millions of dollars through cryptocurrency mining and trading using this system over the past 4 years.
However, our domain check says otherwise. According to everyone but these goons, the Unicoin Trades software website was only registered and became active late last year in 2017. Therefore, as you can see, these crooks are lying about when the software became active. This is a fraudulent bid to try and make this Unicoin Trades app seem more legitimate and lend it some credibility where none is due.
Unicoin Trades Software – A Non-Existent Company
According the Unicoin Trades website, the company has two main locations, with one being in England and the other in the USA. We are given the addresses for both places, both of which are completely fake. One of the addresses is for a Telecom company and the other is a nightclub. Clearly, these guys are trying to make it look like they are a legit company with real offices, when that is obviously not the case.
We also looked up the Unicoin Trades company in both US and UK business registries. Well, of course we came up completely empty. Not only are the addresses bogus, but the company itself doesn’t exist at all. This is a completely fake company and we have no idea where it is really based. This is about as good as it gets in terms of evidence to prove that the Unicoin Trades app is a scam.
Unicoin Trades Program – Impossible Profits
One of the biggest telltale signs that there is a scam afoot here has to do with the profits promised by the Unicoin Trades system. There are a couple of different investment packages. We are told that our investment goes towards mining and trading cryptocurrencies. The first suspicious aspect here is that we are never told how much of our money is used for mining and how much is used for crypto trading. If we are to invest large sums of money with this Unicoin Trades system, we want to know exactly how our funds are being allocated.
Next, we are never told who the mining hardware and software belongs to. Who is doing the mining? What software is being used? Where is the giant room full of processors located? These are important things to know when investing money with a crypto system like this Unicoin Trades app. Next, when it comes to trading, we are never told how that works either. We would assume that it is a fully automated trading platform, but we are never informed of this either. We are also never informed of any kind of coherent trading strategies, market indicators in use, or any other relevant or useful info either.
Now, what we can tell you is that the Unicoin Trades app promises absurd profits that simply cannot be possible in any way, shape, or form. There are various investment packages, 5 of them, that range from silver to sapphire. For the best package, the sapphire trading package, the minimum deposit required is $50,000 in BTC.
Apparently, this will provide us with daily returns of 1.33% to 4% and a total annual return of 485.45%. This is obvious not true at all. This would mean that this Unicoin Trades app could turn $50,000 into close to $300,000, and you wouldn’t even have to lift a finger. People, whenever you are promised ridiculous returns like this, you can rest assured that nothing legal or real is going on. Heck, these crooks don’t even mention how much money they would be taking out from in between, which they obviously would because no crypto mining and trading system worth using would be free.
Other Suspicious Aspects Of The Unicoin Trades Scam System
There are a few other really important points that we need to mention about this Unicoin Trades scam software. They will all put the final nails in the coffin of this horrible cryptocurrency trading and mining scam.
- The Unicoin Trades app contact info is fake. We have called multiple times on various days and have never gotten a response of any kind.
- We have no idea who is in charge of this Unicoin Trades system. It is completely anonymous and can therefore not be trusted at all.
- The Unicoin Trades system is not licensed to do anything. They are not legally allowed to take any investments from you or to do anything with the money you give them. This is an illegal system that is operating outside of the boundaries of the law.
- There are tons of complaints about the Unicoin Trades system, all of which consist of angry people who have lost thousands of dollars.
- The Unicoin Trades user testimonials are completely bogus. The images you see are stolen pictures and the names are purely fictional.
Unicoin Trades Scam Review – Conclusion
There are so many scam factors going on here with this Unicoin Trades system that there is no way we would ever recommend using it. It is obviously a cryptocurrency mining and trading scam, probably a huge Ponzi scheme, and it is designed to steal your money.
If you want to use a great trading system for CFD and cryptocurrency, you should definitely take a look at the Bit Bubble Tech system. This is a fairly new trading program that is very reliable and definitely not a scam. Bit Bubble Tech software is highly accurate in terms of ITM rates, plus it can generate around $700 – $1,200 on a daily basis without fail. Stay away from scams and try this awesome Bit Bubble Tech app.
IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: [email protected]. If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
For more information regarding Cryptocurrencies and Crypto trading please visit our sister site: cryptocurrencyarmy.com
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