Profit Wizard Pro Scam Review: DANGER!
When it comes to binary options and Forex, trading signals providers can do a whole lot of good in terms of profitability. However, there are also tons of binary options and Forex scams out there, ones like this Profit Wizard Pro app. Yes, some automated trading services can be good, but they are usually always scams, as is the case with Profit Wizard Pro software. Yeah, the claims of huge profits and high accuracy rates look good at a glance, but upon a second look and some further details, it is apparent that it’s all just a big lie.
There are way too many bold claims and false promises made by the Profit Wizard Pro trading system for it to be real. There is so much suspicious activity going on here that we almost don’t know where to start. We are here today doing a Profit Wizard Pro scam review to give you fair warning about this dangerous binary options trading system. Rest assured that it will scam you out of your hard earned money if you allow it to.
Who Is In Charge Of Profit Wizard Pro Software? – Mark Hues
One of the first signs which signaled that Profit Wizard Pro software is a scam has to do with the so called owner and leader of it, Mark Hues. During the presentation video for this scam, a man who goes by the name of Mark Hues claims to be the guy in charge. He says that he is the owner and creator of this binary options trading service. He then goes on to give us his spiel about why the Profit Wizard Pro app is the best signals service in the world.
Our problem with this Mark Hues character is exactly that, he is a character and nothing more. We always get nervous when we see voice narration in association with any kind of investment or trading program. We want to see the face of the person who is in charge and we want to see them live in action. A voice narrator is simply not enough to convince us of the merit of Profit Wizard Pro software. Moreover, we did some research on this Mark fellow and it turns out that he is indeed just a fictitious character.
He is not real in any way, shape, or form, and he certainly has nothing to do with the Profit Wizard Pro app. He is a scapegoat meant to protect the true identities of the scammers in charge of the Profit Wizard Pro scam. They know that they are stealing from people and that their actions are fraudulent, so their best bet at keeping the law at bay is to remain anonymous. Folks, we have said it before and will say it again, you cannot trust an anonymous binary options trading program no matter what the case may be.
Profit Wizard Pro Scam App – Fake Endorsements
Another telltale sign that there is a scam afoot with the Profit Wizard Pro app has to do with the load of phony endorsements featured on the main website. These crooks try to lend themselves some legitimacy by claiming that they have been featured in a positive light by several news outlets in big prime time pieces. The Profit Wizard Pro website claims that news outlets like Forbes, CNN Money, Business Insider, and Tech Crunch have all featured Profit Wizard Pro software and talked about its merits and awesome profit potential.
However, we went to all 4 of these news outlet’s websites and could not find a single mention of this Profit Wizard Pro app. In other words, these news outlets never mentioned the Profit Wizard Pro app at all, not even in passing. This is a cheap trick, it’s false advertising, and it is meant to do nothing more than lure you into a sense of complacency while hoping that you won’t actually go do some research into the matter.
Profit Wizard Pro User Testimonials – FAKE!
Another red flag that came to our attention about the scamming nature of the Profit Wizard Pro app has to do with the user testimonials. It quickly came to our attention that every single last one of the Profit Wizard Pro user testimonials is doctored and completely fabricated out of thin air. All of the testimonials you see were written by the same crooks trying to sell us this Profit Wizard Pro scam. The people you see are nothing more than stolen stock images combined with fictitious names and bogus words.
Profit Wizard Pro System – How Does It Work?
One of the most ludicrous claims made by the Profit Wizard Pro program is that it has such an advanced trading algorithm that it never loses a single trade. We are told that this mathematical algorithm has zero room for error, that trades are always won, and that you will always make a profit using the Profit Wizard Pro. What is interesting is that we are never actually told how the software works to put money in our pockets. There is no mention of any kind of coherent trading strategy, a real algorithm, or anything else which would make sense.
Simply telling us that there is a highly accurate algorithm that loses a trade is not nearly good enough to convince us, nor can it actually be possible. There is also the simple fact that no software like the Profit Wizard Pro app can ever be 100% accurate and win all of the trades that it makes. It is simply impossible to always win every single trade. Risk is inherent in trading and no amount of programming that the Profit Wizard Pro app undergoes can change this. Folks, any binary options system that advertises a 100% win ratio is full of hot air.
Profit Wizard Pro Scam Review – Conclusion
The bottom line is that the Profit Wizard Pro app is a total rip off. It is a huge binary options scam meant to steal as much money from you as humanly possible.
If you want to use a great trading system for CFD and cryptocurrency, you should definitely take a look at the Bit Bubble Tech system. This is a fairly new trading program that is very reliable and definitely not a scam. Bit Bubble Tech software is highly accurate in terms of ITM rates, plus it can generate around $700 – $1,200 on a daily basis without fail. Stay away from scams and try this awesome Bit Bubble Tech app.
IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: [email protected]. If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
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