Bit Bubble Tech vs Crypto Advantage Battle
Today we are here to do a Bit Bubble Tech vs Crypto Advantage battle to see which one of these cryptocurrency trading systems is the best out there to date. It is no secret that the world of cryptocurrencies currently offers an unrivalled opportunity to generate a whole lot of money in a very limited amount of time. There is simply no denying the fact that the massive fluctuations happen in the crypto world are creating big advantages for traders and investors.
The fact of the matter is that the crypto community has experienced a bit of a crash, especially when it comes to the big players like BTC and many others. However, this does not mean that cryptocurrencies are on their way out, nor does it mean that they cannot still be highly profitable if handled the right way. You obviously do not want to be using more than a single trading service simultaneously. That would only make things more difficult and time consuming, which is why we are doing this Bit Bubble Tech vs Crypto Advantage battle, to figure out which one is the best for you to use.
This Bit Bubble Tech vs Crypto Advantage battle is going to take a look at some of the most important things you need to know about each trading system, so let’s get right to it and figure out which one of these is the very best for you to be using.
Bit Bubble Tech vs Crypto Advantage – ITM Rates
One of the most important things to take into consideration when doing a Bit Bubble Tech vs Crypto Advantage comparison like this is which of the programs has the better ITM rate. The ITM rate is of course how many trades each program wins out a certain amount of trades placed. This is the accuracy rate or the winning trade percentage. You obviously want to win as many trades as possible, making this one of the most crucial sections in this Bit Bubble Tech vs Crypto Advantage battle.
When it comes to the Crypto Advantage app, there is no doubt about the fact that the results are very good. In our last trading session, we placed a total of 5 trades. Each of these trades was made with a $100 investment. Well, 4 out of the 5 of these trades turned out to be winners. This means that this particular Crypto Advantage trading session provided us with an ITM rate of 80%, which is not bad at all. During the last few months of us using this system, our average ITM rate sat anywhere between 80% and 90%, which is very good no doubt. This program has the ability to win up to 9 out of 10 trades every time.
When it comes to the Bit Bubble Tech app, the results we were provided with were in fact a little better. We also placed 5 trades with BBT in our last session. All 5 of the trades were winners. In other words, the last trading session we went through gave us a 100% ITM rate. No, this will not always happen as it is fairly lucky, but it is also due to the awesome trading strategies we have been using, ones that you can use too. In terms of the average winning trade rate for Bit Bubble Tech software, it sits between 85% and 95%, with 100% being totally possible on occasion.
Bit Bubble Tech vs Crypto Advantage – BBT HAS BETTER ITM RATE
As you can see, in terms of winning trades, the Bit Bubble Tech app is the clear winner here. Simply put, winning 5 out of 5 trades is much better than only winning 4 of 5 trades.
Bit Bubble Tech vs Crypto Advantage Battle – Pure Profits
Even more important than how many trades each of these cryptocurrency programs won is how much money we managed to accumulate with these trades. After all, you are trading cryptocurrencies to make a profit, so how much money you can make is definitely the most important part. This is the section of the Bit Bubble Tech vs Crypto Advantage battle where we talk about the profits we have made, money you can make for yourself as well.
In terms of the Crypto advantage system, with those 5 trades we placed, the ones we just mentioned, we invested $100 for each of these trades. Keeping in mind that 1 of the 5 trades was lost, we still managed to make $316 in profits, which is pretty darn good indeed. In other words, the Crypto Advantage up provided us with a return on our investment of 63.2% in a single day. This is very impressive considering that the whole trading session only took a couple of hours.
The Bit Bubble Tech system did fare really well in terms of profits. Just like with the other system, each of the 5 trades had an initial investment of $100. Keeping in mind that all 5 of these trades were winners, we managed to make a profit of $395, which is of course much better than $316. In terms of the return on our initial $500 investment, that is a 79% ROI. It really does not get any better than that when trading cryptocurrencies.
Bit Bubble Tech vs Crypto Advantage – BBT HAS BETTER ROI
The bottom line is that we were able to make 79% ROI with the Bit Bubble Tech system, as opposed to 63% with the Crypto Advantage app. The results speak for themselves here, so there is really nothing left to say except that the Bit Bubble Tech app is a lot more profitable than the Crypto Advantage system.
Bit Bubble Tech vs Crypto Advantage Battle – Conclusion
At the end of the day, the only thing that matters when it comes to any cryptocurrency trading program is how profitable it is. This Bit Bubble Tech vs Crypto Advantage battle has shown us and you that the Bit Bubble Tech app is the better system. That being said, the Crypto Advantage app is awesome, but simply not as much as the Bit Bubble Tech system.
IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: [email protected]. If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
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