CryptoLogic Bot Review: Crypto SCAM!
CryptoLogic Bot Software is supposed to be this awesome cryptocurrency trading system that is highly profitable. However, from all of the things we have seen about it, we have some serious doubts. We are told that the CryptoLogic Bot app has the power to generate thousands of dollars per day without fail, all with near perfect accuracy rates. Well, after you read what we have found out about it, you will probably want to stay as far away from the CryptoLogic Bot system as possible. There is a whole lot of suspicious activity going on here.
Between the unrealistic profits, the anonymous owners, and tons of other stuff, you can rest assured that the CryptoLogic Bot program is nothing more than a total scam and rip off. We’re here doing a CryptoLogic Bot scam review to give you fair warning about this dangerous cryptocurrency trading system. Make no mistake about it folks because this system is malicious and it wants to steal your money.
CryptoLogic Bot Scam & Marketing Ploys
Perhaps the first and most obvious sign that there is a scam afoot here has to do with the shady marketing tricks employed by these crooks. When you first go to the CryptoLogic Bot website, it tells you that there are only 48 public spots left to sign up with. Therefore, people will want to sign up right away before the spots run out. However, don’t fall for this because it is just a dirty trick. It is nothing more than a shady marketing tactic meant to pressure you into signing up before you really know what you are getting yourself into.
Pressure tactics like these are classic when it comes to scams like the CryptoLogic Bot app. The truth is that the number of spots is unlimited. Heck, the counter which tells us how many spots for the CryptoLogic Bot app are open never even changes in number, not with any amount of time or refreshing the page. This is clear evidence that it’s just a big lie meant to fool eager newbies into investing RIGHT NOW!
CryptoLogic Bot & A False Sense of Security
The next telltale sign that the CryptoLogic Bot system is a scam has to do with the obviously fake security measures. We are informed that the CryptoLogic Bot app employs 4 different security systems in order to keep you, your information, and your investments safe from thieves. The funny thing here is that the CryptoLogic Bot scammers are the thieves stealing from you. There are several logos featured on the website with the aim of making us feel complacent and secure. There are logos from McAfee, F-Secure, and Norton, among others.
However, none of these security and anti-theft systems are actually in place here. The reason for this being that the CryptoLogic Bot crooks want to steal from you, so they obviously are not going to put various security measures in place. There is absolutely no evidence that any of these security companies or systems is being used here. This is especially evident because we have gotten numerous complaints from people who claim that they have had their accounts hacked, are being spammed through email, and have suffered from unauthorized access to bank accounts.
How Does The CryptoLogic Bot System Work?
Well, this is perhaps one of the most mysterious aspects of this CryptoLogic Bot software. We honestly have no idea how this terrible cryptocurrency trading system is supposed to work. Yes, we are informed that it is fully automated and that there are some awesome trading strategies and algorithms in place, but that really does not help us out. We want to know exactly how the CryptoLogic Bot system functions if we are expected to invest any amount of money with it. The convoluted and nonsensical explanation provided here is anything but convincing.
There is also the fact that the profits promised by the CryptoLogic Bot scam are 100% unrealistic, unachievable, and simply can’t be true. We are told that CryptoLogic Bot software has a 99% accuracy rate and can turn every single dollar invested into $1.69 on a daily basis. In other words, these clowns promise a 69% ROI per day on all of our investments. This is about as likely as Genghis Khan coming back to life and having a boxing match with Rocky Balboa. Don’t believe these insane lies because that is all they are, lies.
Who Is In Charge of The CryptoLogic Bot App?
Yet another red flag that came to our attention about the atrocious CryptoLogic Bot app is that we are never told who is in charge of it. There is no presentation video or any kind of blurb which tells us the name of a person or even of the company that is running the show. If this is not highly suspicious, then we don’t know what suspicious means. The CryptoLogic Bot system is 100% anonymous, which is a clear indication that it is a scam. Any real cryptocurrency trading platform would never hide the identity of the people or company in charge. These crooks just want to protect themselves and not got to prison for stealing your investments, so they don’t reveal their identities.
This also brings us to the next point that the CryptoLogic Bot system is clearly not licensed or regulated in any way, shape, or form. The fact of the matter is that crypto trading requires a license, but those lisences are only given to the most transparent and trustworthy of people and companies. Seeing as the CryptoLogic Bot app is 100% anonymous, there is no way in hell that it has a license. If it does execute trades, it is doing so illegally. However, in all likelihood, this is just an empty shell where you deposit money for the real crooks behind CryptoLogic Bot software to drain right back out of the account. It’s all nothing more than a big bunch of stinky thievery.
CryptoLogic Bot Review – Conclusion
There is nothing left to say about this CryptoLogic Bot scam except that you absolutely need to stay away from this monumental scam. It will rip you off!
If you want to use a great trading system for CFD and cryptocurrency, you should definitely take a look at the Bit Bubble Tech system. This is a fairly new trading program that is very reliable and definitely not a scam. Bit Bubble Tech software is highly accurate in terms of ITM rates, plus it can generate around $700 on a daily basis without fail. Stay away from scams and try this awesome Bit Bubble Tech app.
IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: [email protected]. If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
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