Bitcoin Secret Loophole Scam Review
The Bitcoin Secret Loophole app is a new cryptocurrency trading scam, one that is specifically focused on Bitcoin. Yeah, so upon first glance, this might seem like a legit trading opportunity, but first glances only go so far. There are many outrageous claims and promises made by Bitcoin Secret Loophole. All of these promises are totally bogus and simply won’t lead to anything. There is not a single honest or genuine aspect of the Bitcoin Secret Loophole. Literally everything you see on the website and in the presentation video is a total lie.
The claim of being able to generate $13,000 on a daily basis through some Bitcoin loophole just isn’t true. That is not all though, because there is a whole lot more suspicious activity going on here. Heck, there is also the fact that the Bitcoin Secret Loophole app is clearly a rip off and a rehash of a previous scam. At any rate, we are here doing a Bitcoin Secret Loophole scam review and it is to give you fair warning. This Bitcoin trading system is fraudulent, it’s dangerous, and it is out to steal as much money from you as possible.
Bitcoin Secret Loophole – Same Scam, New Name
The first thing that is apparent about the Bitcoin Secret Loophole scam is that it is not even a new scam. There was an older Bitcoin scam a few weeks ago known as the Bitcoin Loophole. Well, the crooks running the show realized that the old scam had run its course, so they simply gave it a new name, a slightly new look, and passed it off as the next best cryptocurrency trading program.
The fact of the matter is that the Bitcoin Secret Loophole app is nothing more than an old scam that has been repackaged. Giving it a slightly different name and different look does not take away from the fact that the Bitcoin Secret Loophole system is a scam. We have absolutely no doubt that these criminals will probably repackage this scam again once the Bitcoin Secret Loophole system stops attracting innocent victims.
Bitcoin Secret Loophole App – A Fake Leader
Another red flag that came to our attention is that the leader of it all, Steve McKay, is a totally phony. He claims to be the owner and CEO of the Bitcoin Secret Loophole system, but he never does anything to prove this. We simply see him in a video, he tells us his name, and that is it. We did a whole lot of digging around and there is not a single search result which would confirm his identity.
Besides his relation to this Bitcoin Secret Loophole scam, this Steve guy does not seem to exist anywhere on the face of planet earth. Well, to be fair, we have seen Steve before, which is because he is just a paid actor. We have seen Steve acting in other Bitcoin and crypto scam videos before. In fact, in terms of the old Bitcoin Loophole scam, he was also the actor for that. Heck, he didn’t even change his name. The truth is that Steve is not his real name. He is a paid actor, a fraud, a phony meant to sucker you into investing money with this totally bogus Bitcoin Secret Loophole app.
Bitcoin Secret Loophole Software – No Licensing
One of the things that we know for sure is that the Bitcoin Secret Loophole system is not licensed to trade crypto in any way, shape, or form. The company is totally fake and non-existent, which is a big problem in terms of licensing. No system is allowed to accept money or perform crypto trades without the right licensing and regulation.
The issue is that no licensing board would ever give these crooks a license. The company does not exist, it is not transparent, and the leader is a phony. This means that the Bitcoin Secret Loophole app is making trades illegally. The other possibility is that it never makes any trades at all. It’s simply an empty shell for you to deposit money, cash which the crooks behind this Bitcoin Secret Loophole scam will instantly steal.
Bitcoin Secret Loophole System – Bad Brokers
Now, the funny thing here is that Bitcoin Secret Loophole software claims to be free to use. However, this is not exactly true. Sure, signing up is free, but you still have to deposit money with it and with the broker. The real scam here is that the broker you are forced to sign up with is totally fraudulent.
Kayafx is the broker being used here and it is a scam without a shadow of a doubt. This broker is totally unregulated and unlicensed. In other words, there is nothing stopping these clowns from robbing you blind. There have been tons of complaints lodged against this broker, which is a clear cut sign that you need to stay away from the Bitcoin Secret Loophole app.
Bitcoin Secret Loophole Software – Other Disturbing Aspects
There are a few other really disturbing aspects that you definitely need to know about when it comes to this malicious Bitcoin Secret Loophole scam.
- There is no mention of any trading strategy, algorithm, or anything else which would tell us how the Bitcoin Secret Loophole app works and what it really does.
- The claim of being able to generate $13,000 in a single day is absolutely unrealistic, unachievable, and it is a downright lie.
- The Bitcoin Secret Loophole website is full of user testimonials which are completely fake. They were concocted using paid actors, stolen stock images, and written components, all created by the same crooks who are trying to peddle this scam on us.
Bitcoin Secret Loophole Review – Conclusion
There is nothing left to say here except that you need to stay away from Bitcoin Secret Loophole software at all costs. Nothing good will come of it.
If you want to use a great trading system for CFD and cryptocurrency, you should definitely take a look at the Bit Bubble Tech system. This is a fairly new trading program that is very reliable and definitely not a scam. Bit Bubble Tech software is highly accurate in terms of ITM rates, plus it can generate around $700 on a daily basis without fail. Stay away from scams and try this awesome Bit Bubble Tech app.
IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: [email protected]. If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
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