Crypto Money Maker Scam Review
The Crypto Money Maker app is apparently a high powered cryptocurrency trading service. It is said to be able to generate thousands of dollars per day through Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrency trading. However, we did a whole lot of research here and the signs are not good in the least. Everything we discovered about Crypto Money Maker points in one single direction, that of a SCAM! There is a lot of shady stuff going on with this Crypto Money Maker app. It’s all very suspicious and full of downright lies. We’re here doing a Crypto Money Maker scam review to give you fair warning. This is a dangerous BTC trading app, one that will never lead to you making any money at all!
Crypto Money Maker App – Pressure Tactics
There are a great many indications that Crypto Money Maker software is a scam. The first of which is that these crooks use classic pressure tactics which shady marketers employ to trick you into signing up. On the main website we are told that there are only X amount of spots left to sign up with for free, plus that we only have X amount of time to do so. Well, this simply is not true. Every time we refresh the Crypto Money Maker website, the number of available spots goes back to the original number. It never hits zero and it always allows you to sign up. Therefore, the whole X number of spots left gag is totally bogus. It simply is not true. It’s nothing more than a way to try and pressure you into registering with the Crypto Money Maker app before time runs out. It forces you to sign up with it before you can really consider the consequences. Don’t trust these nasty marketing tricks!
Crypto Money Maker Software – Free?
One of the other really obvious giveaways that Crypto Money Maker software is a rip off has to do with its pricing. Apparently, the first X amount of people to register get to use it for no cost at all. Well, this is definitely very suspicious. Let’s put it this way, no cryptocurrency trading service worth using is free. In fact, nothing worth using is free.
Nobody is going to give away this kind of BTC software for no cost when you are supposedly going to be raking in the cash with it. If the Crypto Money Maker app were truly legitimate, the crooks behind it would not be giving it away for free. They would be charging everybody to use it, either up front or through commissions from your successful trades. NOTHING IS FREE!
Crypto Money Maker Trading App – People In Your Country
The next telltale sign that a scam is afoot with this Crypto Money Maker app is the whole people in your country gag. We are told that X number of people in your country are watching this video and signing up. However, this simply can’t be true. It’s fairly obvious that each person’s IP address is not being monitored in order to tell which country every viewer is in. They just throw your country into the mix without naming any country.
It’s an easy way to fool people that are not paying attention. There are certain countries in the world like Canada and the USA which do not allow for this kind of cryptocurrency trading program. Therefore, people in those countries certainly are not watching the video. Once again, this is just a dirty trick orchestrated by the scumbags behind the Crypto Money Maker trading app.
Crypto Money Maker Trading Software – Not Secure
The next thing that we know for sure is that the Crypto Money Maker app is not secure in any way. It claims to be connected to some legit cryptocurrency wallets and banking services, plus a few security systems too, but this is just not true at all. The crooks behind the Crypto Money Maker app want you to think that their service is secure, when in reality, it is the further from secure.
They just plaster a bunch of logos onto their website in the hopes of fooling you. We know this is all a lie because we have received complaints from people who have had their trading accounts emptied, their BTC wallets drained, and credit cards used without authorization. The bottom line is that the criminals behind the Crypto Money Maker system want nothing more than to steal your money.
Crypto Money Maker App – Jordan Wood
We are told that a man named Jordan Wood is the creator and owner of the Crypto Money Maker trading app. Well, all we ever get from him is some crappy voice narration. We never get to see his face in the video, which is a really big problem for us. We tried looking his name up, but besides results related to this Crypto Money Maker scam, he does not seem to exist at all. In other words, he is just a made up personality portraying the owner of this BTC rip off. The real owners know that this app is totally fraudulent and illegal. They are using this fictitious Jordan Wood character as a scapegoat to cover their own backs. He does not exist and he certainly is not the owner of the Crypto Money Maker scam app.
Crypto Money Maker Review – Conclusion
Heck, we still did not even cover everything here. The Crypto Money Maker website is loaded with fake user testimonials. We are never informed of any trading strategies or how it works. The promised profits are totally unrealistic. There is also the fact that Crypto Money Maker software is an exact copy of the ICO Money Maker scam recently released. At any rate, you can rest assured that you are not missing out on a single thing by staying away from the Crypto Money Maker app. It is a scam, it always was, and always will be!
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IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: [email protected]. If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
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