BitRise Review – Bitcoin Scam!
BitRise software is a brand new cryptocurrency trading app focused on Bitcoin. It does allow for other types of crypto trading, but BTC is the main focus. Now, it is said that BitRise trading software is very reliable and can generate over 30% returns on any investment on a daily basis. Of course this would be totally awesome if it were true. However, the simple fact of the matter is that this is all just a bunch of smoke and mirrors.
Yes, with the current price and volatility of many cryptocurrencies, the time to invest and trade is right now. However, the issue is that BitRise software is a total rip off. Yes, there are good trading programs out there that can put money in your pocket, but this is definitely not one of them. We are here doing a BitRise scam review to give you fair warning. You need to be aware of the very real threat posed to you by this absolutely ridiculous BTC trading system.
Who Is In Charge Of BitRise Software?
The first sign that BitRise Software is a scam is that we have no idea who is in charge of it. Neither the website itself nor the presentation video ever mention the name of a person who is running the show here. This is a really big problem for us and for you. Anonymous trading systems are always scams. There is no exception to that rule. If the BitRise app were actually legit, the people who created it would have no problem telling us who they are.
The fact of the matter is that BitRise software is a scam and the creators know it darn well. They don’t want to go to prison for stealing money from you with this scam, so they choose to remain hidden in the shadows of anonymity. If their true identities were discovered, you could point the finger at them once your money inevitably goes missing. They obviously do not want these to happen.
BitRise Trading Software – Fake Company
Another clear indication that the BitRise app is a scam is the fact that the company heading it does not actually exist. We are told that a company named BitRise Invest LTD is owning company. However, we checked every single business registry and cryptocurrency regulatory agency in the world. This company simply does not exist. They are not registered in any of the cryptocurrency trading regulatory agencies.
This is a clear sign that BitRise is a fraudulent company. We cannot possibly trust any cryptocurrency trading program when we know for a fact that the supposed company who owns it is totally bogus. It is nothing more than a shell meant to make this crappy trading app look like the real deal. The fact of the matter is that not a single person or entity involved here is legit, credible, or reliable, in any way, shape, or form.
BitRise Trading App – No Licesning
Yet another important red flag that came to our attention is that BitRise software is clearly not registered, licensed, or regulated at all. There is a disclaimer at the bottom of the page which reads “all information, communications and materials you will find on this site are intended to be regarded as an informational and educational matter and not an investment advice”. The problem here is that cryptocurrency signals provision and automated trading is definitely considered to be investment advice, financial advice, and investment activity.
In other words, it claims to not be exactly what it is. If the BitRise app were legit, it would have all of the required licensing necessary to trade Bitcoin legally. We did extensive research and we could not find the company or its licensing anywhere. It is not licensed at all. This can mean one of two things. Either these crooks are knowingly providing signals and trading advice illegally without licensing, or the BitRise app never makes trades at all. It is our suspicion that BitRise software does not actually execute trades in any manner. Like we said before, this is just an empty shell meant to get hands on your money.
BitRise Software & Scam Brokers
Something else that came to our attention about the BitRise app is that it also does not have any reliable brokers to work with. This is kind of a no brainer. Put it this way, reliable brokers are licensed, trusted, and reputable. If a good broker were to connect with a scam app like this one, it would totally ruin its good reputation in the trading world. Seeing as the BitRise is unlicensed, unregulated, and totally bogus, with no real people in charge, you can rest assured that any broker here is equally as criminal and malicious.
BitRise Trading Software – No Profits
The number one telltale sign that BitRise is a scam is the fact that the promised profits are totally bogus and unrealistic. This is labelled as a fully automated trading solution that can provide you with returns as high as 30% on a daily basis. It is also claimed that trading with the BitRise app is virtually risk free. Both of these claims are absolutely ludicrous. Even the best trading programs in the world with the most solid strategies cannot get anywhere near there.
Making even 10% ROI per day is very lucky in most cases, so the claim of 30% is total crap. If the returns were this high, everybody would be using the program, which would likely lead to a total collapse of the cryptocurrency world. These are all lies meant to lure you in. You will never see a single penny in profits if you use BitRise software to trade cryptocurrencies. It is nothing more than a way for the anonymous crooks in charge to rob money right out from under your nose!
BitRise Review – Conclusion
The bottom line is that the BitRise app is a scam. It’s a total rip off and if you sign up for it, you will unfortunately find that out first hand. Just stay away from it at all costs!
BEST CRYPTO-TRADER: Crypto Advantage
If you would like to engage in reliable and profitable cryptocurrency and Forex trading, we would highly recommend giving the brand new Crypto Advantage app a look at. It is currently the best, most credible, and highly profitable cryptocurrency trading system available today. With an easy to use platform, lots of options, a high ITM rate, and lots of potential for profits, you really cannot go wrong with Crypto Advantage software.
IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: [email protected]. If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
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