Bitcoin Challenge Scam Review
The Bitcoin Challenge app is supposedly the world’s best BTC and crypto trading app. Apparently, it can generate over $1,000 per hour, which would make you a millionaire in a matter of months. Yes, this sounds awesome, but it is also a total lie. These results are not realistic nor are they achievable. This is by far not the only red flag we found about Bitcoin Challenge software. There are a whole lot of characteristics which show the Bitcoin Challenge app to be a scam. You probably know that the price of BTC just reached an all-time high of $12,000, which does make it a good investment opportunity. However, the crooks here are looking to take advantage of you and steal your money, not help you make it. We are here doing a Bitcoin Challenge scam review and it is to give you fair warning about this very dangerous app. We need to warn you about the very real threat posed to you by this absolutely malicious piece of crypto trading software.
How Does The Bitcoin Challenge App Work
The first really suspicious thing about this particular trading system is that we are never told how it works. Whenever we are expected to invest any money in any kind of crypto trading system, there are a few things that we want to know. We want to be aware of the trading strategies involved, what kind of indicators are being used, and what the overlying algorithm does. These are all aspects of any trading program that we need to be informed of.
However, when it comes to Bitcoin Challenge software, we are never told any of these things. This is definitely very nerve racking. Yes, we are told that the Bitcoin Challenge app is highly accurate and profitable, and that it is fast at making trades. Yet, we are never told any of the really important stuff. The only conclusion that we can come to here is that Bitcoin Challenge software does not ever make any trades at all. It is nothing more than an empty shell meant to steal your money. Never trust any kind of crypto trading system that refuses to reveal how it works.
How Much Money Can The Bitcoin Challenge App Generate?
Of course, there is a big promise of huge profits here. We are informed that the Bitcoin Challenge app is totally risk free to use. Moreover, I we are to believe these crooks, this crypto trading system can generate over $1,000 per hour simply by being turned on. yes, this would of course be absolutely amazing, but alas, it is also totally false. First of all, risk is an inherent factor in all types of trading. Even the best of the best trading systems in the world cannot eliminate all risk from the equation.
Yes, there are some trading apps that do a good job at mitigating risk, but none can eliminate it completely. Furthermore, being able to generate over $1,000 per hour is absolutely impossible, unrealistic, and wholly unachievable. That is more money than most legit trading systems can generate in an entire day, let alone a single hour. Never believe it when scammers like the crooks behind the Bitcoin Challenge app tell you that you will become filthy rich in a matter of weeks. It just won’t happen.
Bitcoin Challenge App – Fictitious Personalities
The fact of the matter is that the Bitcoin Challenge is filled with fake personalities and made up companies. Not a single person or business entity seen or mentioned here is legit or genuine in any way, shape, or form. We are told that a man named Charlie Vasquez is the team leader and head developer of this app. However, we did our research and it is clear that Charlie is just a stolen stock image. He is not a real person. We even tried looking him up and the picture portraying Charlie has been used in several other marketing campaigns already. He has nothing to do with this Bitcoin Challenge app.
Moreover, we are told that Bitcoin Challenge LTD is the company responsible for this app. However, that is also not true. This company simply does not exist at all. It is not present in any business registry. This is just a lie meant to lend some legitimacy to this app. Like we said, not a single person or entity mentioned here is in any way real, legit, or credible.
Bitcoin Challenge App – Licensing & Brokers
Another thing that shows the Bitcoin Challenge app to be a scam is the fact that it clearly does not have any licensing. All cryptocurrency trading systems need to be licensed in order to operate legally. Well, only the most transparent, genuine, and reputable of companies and acquire these licenses. Seeing as the Bitcoin Challenge app is totally anonymous and does not have a single legit company associated with it, there is no chance in hell that it has any kind of license.
This means that this system either trades illegally without a license, or it does not make any trades at all. Like we said, this is just an empty shell meant to trick you. It never makes trades at all. In relation to this is the fact that there is also no reputable broker involved here. Reputable brokers will only associate themselves with equally reputable trading programs, something which Bitcoin Challenge software is definitely not.
Bitcoin Challenge Review – Conclusion
As you can see, the Bitcoin Challenge app is just a rip off. There is not a single legitimate, credible, or trustworthy thing about it. The one and only purpose of this system is to steal your money and leave you wondering what the heck happened.
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IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: [email protected]. If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
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