Banking on Blockchain Review: Crypto-Scam
Banking on Blockchain software is a brand new BTC and cryptocurrency trading system. It is said to be highly accurate and profitable, but we seriously doubt this. Yes, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are currently increasing in value and they are a good investment opportunity. However, this is definitely not the case if you are using a scam app like Banking on Blockchain software. We did a whole lot of researching and digging around.
The signs are not positive at all. There is not a single legit bone in the Banking on Blockchain app’s body. It’s all a bunch of lies and false promises. We are here doing a Banking on Blockchain scam review, the point of which is to save you both grief and money. You need to be aware of what is going on with this malicious BTC trading system and the very real threat that it poses to your financial security.
Who Is Involved With Banking on Blockchain Software?
This is a cryptocurrency scam and we know that for a fact. The Banking on Blockchain app does not have any clear person or company at the helm. Yes, there is a person talking in the presentation video, but we are never told who it is. If we are expected to trust any kind of BTC or crypto trading system, we need to know that we can trust the people in charge. Since we have no idea who is in charge, we cannot possibly trust it.
We are told that Banking on Blockchain software was developed by hundreds of developers and strategists. However, who any one of these people is, is totally beyond us. In other words, this is a 100% anonymous cryptocurrency trading system. That is not a good sign at all. The only reason for an app like this to be anonymous is because it is fraudulent and illegal. The crooks running the show know darn well that they are stealing from you. They are choosing to keep their identities hidden so they don’t end up going to prison for screwing you out of money.
Banking on Blockchain App – Licensing & Brokers
Something that is highly obvious about Banking on Blockchain software is that it is not licensed or regulated in any way. Bitcoin and crypto trading services in general need special licensing in order to operate legally. These licenses can only be acquired by legitimate, credible, and transparent companies, with genuine people at the helm.
Since Banking on Blockchain software is not headed by any one recognizable or legit company or person, you can rest assured that it is not licensed. This means one of two things. Either this system does not trade legally or it does not ever make any trades at all. Our suspicion is that the latter is the case. Banking on Blockchain trading software is just an empty shell that never executes trades. It’s only purpose is to rob money right out from under your nose.
Closely related to this is the fact that there is also no reliable broker involved here. Reliable brokers are licensed and regulated just like trading apps. Well, reliable brokers know that their reputations are at stake. This means that they will never allow themselves to be used with a fraudulent trading app like Banking on Blockchain. So, if there are any brokers involved, you can bet your bottom dollar that they are equally as criminal and malicious as the trading program itself.
How Does The Banking on Blockchain App Work?
This is yet another big red flag and point of suspicion concerning this Banking on Blockchain app. Yes, we are told that hundreds of expert strategies worked to put together a comprehensive trading algorithm. We are told that only the best strategies and indicators are used to determine profitable trades. However, we are never really informed as to what goes on here. We are not told who these people are, what the included strategies involve, what the algorithm does, or anything else.
We are simply informed that Banking on Blockchain software works really well and really fast to make highly profitable trades for us. This is not nearly a good enough explanation to convince us in terms of the merit of this crypto trading system. We really have no clue what it does, how it does it, or if it really does anything at all. Like we mentioned before, this is probably just an empty shell with the sole purpose of stealing any money which you deposit into a trading account.
How Much Money Can Banking on Blockchain Software Generate?
Now, when it comes to general profitability, we are told that the Banking on Blockchain app is nearly 100% accurate. We are also informed that it can generate $700 per day at the very least. Now, being able to generate $700 per day is not all that farfetched. There are some systems out there which can make more money than that. Telling us that this app never fails to deliver is a serious claim with absolutely no substantial evidence to back it up with.
However, our problem is that we are never really told how this system works, which brings into question if Banking on Blockchain software can actually generate money at all. Also, since this app is supposed to be almost 100% accurate, it seems as though it should be able to generate more than $700 per day. Heck, the best crypto trading systems out there can rake in over $1,200 per day. The bottom line here is that it is extremely doubtful if the Banking on Blockchain app can put any money in your pocket at all. In all reality, it is just a scam meant to steal money from you.
Banking on Blockchain Review – Conclusion
We have not even gotten close to mentioning all of the shady aspects of Banking on Blockchain software. However, the above evidence we have already presented should be more than enough to give you fair warning. Stay away from the Banking on Blockchain trading app because all you will accomplish with it is getting ripped off.
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If you would like to engage in reliable and profitable cryptocurrency and Forex trading, we would highly recommend giving the brand new Crypto Advantage app a look at. It is currently the best, most credible, and highly profitable cryptocurrency trading system available today. With an easy to use platform, lots of options, a high ITM rate, and lots of potential for profits, you really cannot go wrong with Crypto Advantage software.
IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: [email protected]. If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
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