Crypto GPS Review – Cryptocurrency Scam
Jim Heffner is the man in charge of the allegedly profitable Crypto GPS app and he says we should be using it to get rich. Apparently Crypto GPS software has the ability to put up to $10,000 in our pockets every single day. Even better is that this system is supposedly risk free, but hurry because there are only 10 spots available. On the upside, the word on the street is that the Crypto GPS trading app is totally free to use for as long as you like. This all sounds way too good to be true. Something that sounds this awesome is always a scam, without a shadow of a doubt.
If you are not already aware, the price of Bitcoin and various other cryptocurrencies has been exploding over the past few months. So, yes, cryptocurrency trading is a good way to make potentially big money. However, when it comes to the Crypto GPS app, we are not sure. Well, we are sure of the fact that this is a total rip off. This is a huge scam meant to steal money right out of your pocket. There is not a single legit aspect of Crypto GPS scam software and we are going to tell you what those aspects are.
Crypto GPS App – Only 10 Spots left Trick
The first and most obvious sign that the Crypto GPS app is a scam has to do with this whole limited spots available gag. We call this a gag because it just is not true. The Crypto GPS website makes up some phony story in terms of a reason as to why there are only 10 spots available. However, this is nothing more than a cheap marketing ploy meant to trick you into signing up. There are not only 10 spots available. It’s just a pressure tactic to get you to fork over your hard earned cash before you have time to consider the real consequences.
The number of Crypto GPS software spots never goes down. It’s always at 10, which goes to show that it is not true. The number of spots available over the days would not always be 10. To make people want to sign up even faster, it is also said that only these 10 spots are totally free, with no commissions or user fees for as long as you use the Crypto GPS app. We beg to differ here. The real problem is that any good trading system that is truly profitable would never be free. Any kind of cryptocurrency trading system worth using, one that is accurate and profitable, would never be free, not in any reality.
How Does Crypto GPS Software Work?
Yet another telltale sign that there is a scam afoot here has to do with the fact that we are never told how the Crypto GPS app works. Ok, so yes, we are told that this BTC trading system is very fast and very accurate. Apparently, it can scan the market for trends and profitable trading opportunities faster than any other trading program out there. Our problem here is that this explanation is totally convoluted, nonsensical, and absolutely useless. Yes, any good trading system needs to be fast and accurate, but that is not an explanation of how it works.
We want to know what the trading strategies are, what indicators and market analysis tools are being used, and what the underlying algorithm actually does. We are never informed of any of these things, which is an obvious sign that nothing ever happens. It is our great suspicion that the Crypto GPS app is just an empty shell that never makes trades at all. Its only purpose is to rob you blind.
Closely related to this is the obvious lie that Crypto GPS software can put over ten thousand dollars in our trading account each and every day. Seeing as we are never told how the Crypto GPS app works, it is safe to assume that you will never make a $10,000 daily profit with it. In fact, there is not a single BTC or cryptocurrency trading system in the world that can pull in that kind of money on a daily basis.
Heck, even the best cryptocurrency trading systems in the world cannot rake in that kind of cash in a whole week, let alone a single day. We have gotten tons of complaints from people who have lost all of their money, never seen a profit, and were never able to withdraw money even when there was a profit in the account. Trust us when we say that you will never see any kind of ROI if you use Crypto GPS scam software.
Crypto GPS User Testimonials – Fabricated!
Yet another red flag that came to our attention about this ludicrous BTC trading system is that the testimonials on the website are obviously fake. All of the Crypto GPS user testimonials are overly positive, which is already a bad sign. Not a single person had a bad thing to say, which is indicative of made up reviews and testimonials. Second of all, we did some research in terms of the people who wrote the testimonials.
We cannot find these people anywhere, and even worse is the fact that we found the pictures of the people all over the internet. The obvious conclusion here is that the Crypto GPS testimonials use stolen stock images from other sources and combine them with little paragraphs written by the same scumbags selling the Crypto GPS app. Don’t believe anything said in these clearly bogus user testimonials because they are not genuine, nor are they credible.
Crypto GPS Review – Conclusion
There are also a few other things which show the true nature of this faulty program. The Crypto GPS app is anonymous, has no license, and there is no sign of a reliable broker either. Crypto GPS software is a total rip off and you need to stay away from it at all costs.
BEST CRYPTO-TRADER: Crypto Advantage
If you would like to engage in reliable and profitable cryptocurrency and Forex trading, we would highly recommend giving the brand new Crypto Advantage app a look at. It is currently the best, most credible, and highly profitable cryptocurrency trading system available today. With an easy to use platform, lots of options, a high ITM rate, and lots of potential for profits, you really cannot go wrong with Crypto Advantage software.
IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: [email protected]. If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
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