1K In 1Day Scam Review
OFFICIAL SCAM URL: 1kin1day.co
When a piece of binary options trading software seems too good to be true, you can rest assured that it is a scam. In all likelihood, this is exactly the case with 1K In 1Day software. There are a lot of big and bold promises made by the people behind the 1K In 1Day app, none of which are even remotely realistic, possible, or true. We are told that the 1K In 1Day has a 98% accuracy rate, can generate upwards of $1,000 per day, and is totally free to use.
Once again, this is way too good to be true. Yes, there are some good binary options services out there which can help you put money in your pocket, but 1K In 1Day software is not one of them. We are here doing a 1K In 1Day review to tell you all about this fraudulent trading system. This is without a doubt one of the shadiest, most dangerous, and highly malicious pieces of BO trading software we have ever seen.
Who Is In Charge Of The 1K In 1Day App?
The man whom we are led to believe is in charge of the 1K In 1Day app is supposedly named John Becker. Apparently, John created this BO trading system back in 2012 and has been able to make massive profits with it ever since. It is claimed that Mr. Becker is some kind of genius trader and financial expert who used his skills to make one of the best binary options and Forex trading tools in existence.
Well, this is all nothing but one giant lie. John Becker is not a real person in any way, shape, or form. All we are ever shown of him is a picture combined with a clearly made up name. He is nothing more than a fictitious name combined with a stolen stock photo of a random guy. Mind you, the man used for the stock image has appeared in countless other sales and marketing campaigns.
John Becker is not real, which means that there 1K In 1Day app is totally anonymous. You can never trust an anonymous trading system with your money .The only reason for 1K In 1Day software to be anonymous is because it is a fraudulent and illegal scamming program. The real crooks in charge want to remain hidden from your eyes so you can’t go pointing the finger at them once your money inevitably gets stolen.
1K In 1Day Scam Software – False Creation Date
Another thing which is a clear indication that there is a scam afoot here has to do with the so called creation date of 1K In 1Day software. As mentioned before, we are told that this software was first created and used in 2012 in order to reap huge rewards. This is just another boldfaced lie meant to gain some false credibility for this ludicrous BO trading app. We did our research and the results speak for themselves. 1K In 1Day software and the corresponding website were only created a couple of weeks ago, which we confirmed with a simply domain registry check. Lying about when this app was created and released to the public does nothing but confirm our suspicion that these people are shameful thieves.
1K In 1Day App – Licensing & Brokers
The next telltale sign that the 1K In 1Day app is a scam has to do with the previously mentioned fact that there is no clear, real, and credible person or business entity in charge. Any kind of BO trading service needs to be fully licensed and regulated. Without the required licensing and regulation, you can rest assured that an app like 1K In 1Day software is making trades illegally, or most likely is not making trades at all. Any BO trading service without licensing is not to be trusted in the least.
This also goes for the brokers. You need to be able to trust the brokers connected with your platform because they are the ones handling your money. You need a reliable broker with licensing, regulation, and full legal authority to engage in this kind of trading. The problem in relation to 1K In 1Day software is that really good brokers will only associate themselves with equally credible and legit trading programs. Since we know that the 1K In 1Day app is an unlicensed scam, you can bet your bottom dollar that any broker involved is no better.
1K In 1Day Scam – Fake Profits & ITM Rates
The final thing which proves that 1K In 1Day software is a scam, thus putting the final nail in the coffin, is the fact that both the ITM rate and profits are greatly over-exaggerated, to say the least. We are told that 1K In 1Day software has an astounding accuracy rate of 98%. If this were true, it would mean that only 2 out of every 100 trades would be losers. There are some great programs out there, with the best ones reaching ITM rates of up to 92%, but even that high is already getting lucky.
Therefore, the claim of being able to generate $1,000 per day without fail is not only questionable, but obviously false at the same time. Like we said before, we have a very strong suspicion that this app never makes trades at all. It is only here to steal money from you. This suspicion is only further enhanced by the fact that we are never provided with any kind of viable trading strategy, algorithm, indicators, or any explanations in regards to any of those or any other crucial details. In essence, we don’t have a clue how this software works to generate money, but we do know for a fact that you will never see a single penny in returns if you choose to use 1K In 1Day scam software.
1K In 1Day Review – Conclusion
The bottom line is that the 1K In 1Day app is undoubtedly a scam. This ridiculous binary options scam has the nerve to call itself a legit trading service while actually being one of the most dangerous pieces of fraudulent scam software out there today.
BEST CRYPTO-TRADER: Crypto Advantage
If you would like to engage in reliable and profitable cryptocurrency and Forex trading, we would highly recommend giving the brand new Crypto Advantage app a look at. It is currently the best, most credible, and highly profitable cryptocurrency trading system available today. With an easy to use platform, lots of options, a high ITM rate, and lots of potential for profits, you really cannot go wrong with Crypto Advantage software.
IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: bin[email protected]. If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
For more information regarding Cryptocurrencies and Crypto trading please visit our sister site: cryptocurrencyarmy.com
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