Bitcoin Code Review: Crytpo-Scam?
The cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin has recently exploded in value to around $6,000 for every single Bitcoin. With the explosion of its value, there has also been a drastic rise in the number of cryptocurrency scams, or cryptoscams as we like to call them. Without a shadow of a doubt, the Bitcoin Code app is one of those cryptocurrency scams. This so called automated trading app is supposed to make us really rich in no time at all, but what we have discovered about it does not point in that direction at all.
Apparently, Bitcoin Code software can help us generate upwards of $10,000 every single day we use it. Now, of course this would be extremely impressive, but it is also obviously a big fat lie. This lie about huge profit potential is not the only fishy thing that we discovered about this Bitcoin Code app. There is a lot to be told here, so hold on to your seats folks, this Bitcoin Code scam review is about to get really bumpy.
The Bitcoin Code Trading App – How Does It Work?
One of the biggest telltale signs that a scam is afoot here is how we are provided exactly zero info about the inner workings of the Bitcoin Code app. Whenever we go to use any kind of automated trading platform, whether for Bitcoin, Forex, or binary options, we want to know what kind of trading strategies are in place, what indicators are being used, and what kind of algorithm dictates which trades are executed.
Well, we are not told any of those crucial details, probably because they don’t exist at all. Yeah, these clowns tell us that the Bitcoin Code app works really well and really fast to put lots of cash in our pockets. However, that is an explanation of what it allegedly does, not how it does it. We need to know the algorithms and strategies present.
Whenever an app like Bitcoin Code software neglects to inform us of these things in a real and meaningful way, it quickly becomes apparent that there is a scam going on. The only reason not to tell us what strategies and such are being followed is because there are none. Make no mistake about it folks. It’s pretty obvious that this ludicrous piece of software doesn’t make trades at all. It’s one and only purpose is to steal your money once you make a deposit into your trading account. It most likely never executes a single trade.
Bitcoin Code Software – How Much Money Can It Generate?
Right off the bat, the Bitcoin Code app boasts that it can rake in an astounding $13,000 per day, every single day of the week. This would definitely be really neat, as it would turn any user into a millionaire in under 1 year. However, this is clearly a lie because there is not trading system in the world that can muster those kinds of numbers.
Sure, it is definitely possible for the world’s best trading service to generate anywhere from $750 to $1,250 in a single day, but that’s only a fraction of what this ludicrous app claims to be able to make. Rest assured people, any trading service that boasts these kinds of numbers is not being truthful. It just is not possible or realistic. There is also the fact that being able to make that kind of money 7 days per week is also impossible. Markets are closed on the weekend, so trading 7 days per week is totally out of the question.
Bitcoin Code Software & Domain Registry Lies
The scumbag in the Bitcoin Code presentation video claims that this system has been able to create over 18 million dollars in new profits over the last 6 months. Well, this is also something that we quickly disproved using a simple domain registry check. The Bitcoin Code system website has only been up for a few weeks, not half a year. In layman’s terms, this website has not existed for as long as the criminals advertising it claim. You can trust people who lie to you, especially when it comes to handling your money.
Who Is In Charge Of Bitcoin Code Software?
Yet another giant red flag about the Bitcoin Code app is that the person whom we are led to believe is the owner and creator of it all is actually a total fraud. The man’s name is supposedly Steve McKay, but during the presentation video all we ever see are a few stock images, which are combined with some voice narration. In other words, these clowns don’t even bother using a paid actor. Whenever you come across these systems where the owner is a picture and a voice, you can rest assured that it’s a scam.
Besides, we looked up this Steve guy and besides his association with this Bitcoin Code scam, there is not a single mention of him anywhere on the breadth and entirety of the internet. This guy is just a fictitious personality, not a real person. This is an easy way for the real crooks running the Bitcoin Code show to disguise themselves and remain anonymous. This means that there is no legal course available for you to take against them once your money is inevitably robbed, because you have no idea who to blame.
Some More Bitcoin Code Software Problems
- Since Bitcoin code software is anonymous and does not list a real company head or has real contact details, there is no chance in hell that it could possibly be licensed and registered. This kind of program requires licensing, which means that the Bitcoin Code app is operating illegally.
- The brokers for Bitcoin Code software are not reliable or credible. Since the app is unlicensed and illegitimate, there is no real broker that would ever associate itself with this trash heap of a Bitcoin trading app.
Bitcoin Code Review – Conclusion
At the end of the day, the only thing that you need to know about the Bitcoin Code app is that it’s a scam. There is not a shadow of a doubt about this. There’s not a single honest bone throughout the body of the Bitcoin Code system.
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IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: bin[email protected] If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
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