Carbon FX Scam Review – LEGIT BOGUS!
Carbon FX software is a new Forex trading app brought to us by the self-proclaimed German genius Michael Klein. This is supposed to be a highly efficient Forex and binary options trading app, yet it appears to be anything but that. First looks don’t do the Carbon FX app justice because, upon a quick glance, it seems pretty legit.
However, after further investigation and upon some closer observation, it quickly becomes apparent that this is just a rip-off. Yes, you can make a whole lot of money with a good Forex trading system, but this is not one of them.
Unfortunately, there are countless BO and Forex scams out there, with Carbon FX scam software being one of the most dangerous and malicious ones. You can’t trust anything that Michael Klein or anyone else in the presentation video says. It’s all just a big bunch of stinking crap meant to trick you, lure you in, and put you in a vulnerable position where your money is ripe for the picking. Keep reading our Carbon FX scam review because there is a lot that you need to know!
Carbon FX Trading Software – Michael Klein
So, when we watched the presentation video the first time around, we didn’t notice anything horribly wrong with Michael Klein. He claims to be a self-made millionaire thanks to his homemade Forex trading service. He says that he was a normal person with a normal Facebook account just a little while ago. This is before he hired a world-renowned tech company to help him program the finer details for this Carbon FX app. Now Michael claims that his revolutionary new trading platform can lead to near perfect ITM rates and several thousand dollars of profit per day.
Hmm, well, his story seems a little too good to be true, plus there are a whole lot of inconsistencies too. He claims that the Carbon FX app is homemade, we assume from his mother’s basement, but then he also says that he hired a bunch of people to help program it. Moreover, since he said he was just an average guy, we aren’t too sure how he managed to pay for expensive programmers to work for him. Anyway, Michael’s story just doesn’t make any sense at all.
Furthermore, based on the research we did, this guy does not exist at all. Ok, so he does exist in the sense that he is a crappy, low-grade, third tier paid actor being compensated a few bucks to read a script. By the way, if you listen to him speak, it quickly becomes apparent that he has no idea what the heck he is talking about. The crooks running this show just hired some random shuck to try and pedal their terrible product.
Michael Klein, while the name might be pretty common in Germany, is not associated with this app, he is a ghost, a fictitious personality meant to act as a scapegoat to protect the criminals who are actually running the show. Carbon FX software is headed by an anonymous team of crooks who are hiding their identity because they know darn well that their actions are considered to be fraudulent and theft.
How Is Carbon FX Software Supposed To Work?
Well, that is another good question, one we don’t really have an answer to. We want to know what kind of trading strategies, indicators, analysis, and trading methods the Carbon FX app uses. What kind of algorithm dictates the way it makes trades? All we are ever informed of is that this program is really fast and it uses its lightning quick speed to make hugely accurate trades that are very profitable. Now, that would be an explanation of what it does, not really of how it does it.
The explanation of what goes on in the belly of the beast is simply so convoluted, nonsensical, and downright unbelievable that we can’t help but laugh. Every single last scam out there claims that it works really fast to execute highly profitable trades with near perfect accuracy. Remember folks, when you hear something that is too good to be true, it always is too good. The Carbon FX trading app most likely never executes any trades at all. It is nothing more than a way to get access to your money so they can steal it right out from under your nose.
Why Else Do We Know Carbon FX App Is A Scam?
There is almost way too much to talk about here, so let’s try to condense things a little more and give you all of the other reasons why we are 100% positive that Carbon FX is a total money stealing thievery.
- This obvious scam uses classic pressure tactics often used in the marketing of scam services. We are told that there are only a limited amount of free spots to sign up with. However, never are we told how many spots there are. This is just a way to try and rush you into signing up and depositing money before you realize what hit you.
- It is simply impossible to make several thousand dollars every single day without any risk of losing your money. Even the best trading systems in the world can’t do that.
- There are no reliable, regulated, or licensed brokers associated with this giant money-stealing scheme. The brokers used here are in place specifically to steal your money. Their express intent and sole purpose is to relieve you of your money.
Carbon FX Scam Review – DEFINITELY BOGUS!
We still haven’t even mentioned all of the reason why we know with absolute certainty that Carbon FX software is a rip-off. However, we feel as though we’ve said more than enough to convince sane minded people to stay away from this monumental pile of trash. This is a totally ridiculous and ludicrous piece of software that is meant to make your life harder. Don’t mistake “Michael’s” friendly demeanor for altruism. He just wants to trick you out of your hard-earned life savings!
BEST BO TRADER: Maximus Edge Autobot
If you would like to trade in BO or Forex and want to use a good program, you can try using Maximus Edge AutoBot. This is a relatively new trading service that has been extensively tested by the group of experts here at Binary Options Army. Maximus Edge Autobot Software can help you generate over $800 per day with ITM rates anywhere between 80% and 90%.
IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, issues or you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you. Our contact customer support email is: bin[email protected] If you register with this service from our website then you will always have our full free support in case you run into any issues or problems. Remember that you are not alone, with us you will always be safe!
To date, we have settled close to 2,000 trading disputes and we will not stop until we put every last scam out of business! If you have been cheated out of money or scammed by any fraudulent trading service, we encourage you to reach out to our complaint center for free help. If you need help, we will provide it for you!
Thank you very much for reading this detailed review. Subscribe to our blog in order to be fully protected and to be up to date with all binary options services out there. Additionally please share and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest. See you next time!

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